The Visit . . .
Do you have a friend or a loved one in a Nursing Home? A visit from you, is to the nursing home resident what a cup of COLD WATER is to a weary traveler. Your visit and sharing your love with them, will bring them much needed comfort, love and joy. Even if you feel that they will not recognize your face or voice. Believe us we know it is true. It is not wasted time and you will not ever regret it.
I was a stranger . . .
Some of the elderly who are in healthcare centers and nursing homes, have become forgotten by family members and friends, and left to face their days and months alone, feeling that there is none left that love them, facing the remainder of their life with loneliness, for some it will become a strange and unfamiliar environment. With a visit we can be a spark of hope.
Because I have you in my heart . . .
If your not able to visit . . . Remember you can pray for those in healthcare centers and nursing homes, that the residents will know the blessed sweet peace and presence of Jesus. And the all of their caregivers have a double measure of grace.
Blessings, Peace, Grace and Mercy.
Chaplain Thomas
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